Pfizer, Idorsia and AbbVie drug brands lead the way in pharma digital marketing — study

What do pop­u­lar Stan­ley in­su­lat­ed cups have in com­mon with two phar­ma mi­graine brands? They’re all trans­for­ma­tion­al dig­i­tal brands, ac­cord­ing to new re­search out this week.

The an­nu­al study by Trin­i­ty Life Sci­ences’ TGaS Ad­vi­sors com­pared more than 160 drug brands and, for the first time this year, in­clud­ed a sam­pling of con­sumer brands for com­par­i­son, in­clud­ing Stan­ley, Dol­lar Shave Club, Hims & Hers, Tylenol, Flonase and Mucinex.

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