Pfizer joins Super Bowl ad lineup, toasting Katalin Karikó and other innovators with ‘Here’s to Science’ spot

Pfiz­er is set to air a 60-sec­ond com­mer­cial dur­ing the Su­per Bowl on Sun­day, mark­ing its first-ever cor­po­rate work ap­pear­ing in the big game.

The “Here’s to Sci­ence” ad tells the sto­ry of sci­ence and in­no­va­tion in phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals and in Pfiz­er’s 175-year his­to­ry, end­ing with a toast to sci­ence and a promise to take on the next fight — in can­cer.

In the ad, a lit­tle girl sits on a hos­pi­tal bed, talk­ing to her doc­tor as “Let­sOut­do­” rolls out on the screen. She smiles as she be­gins walk­ing down a hall­way lined with med­ical pro­fes­sion­als ap­plaud­ing.

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