Pfizer places a dozen products on emergency order after tornado damage at North Carolina plant

Two weeks af­ter a tor­na­do dam­aged a ware­house at a Pfiz­er plant in North Car­oli­na, the com­pa­ny is plac­ing 12 drugs on emer­gency or­der to bet­ter han­dle the dis­tri­b­u­tion of prod­ucts im­pact­ed by the dam­age.

In a let­ter to cus­tomer hos­pi­tals on Thurs­day, which the FDA post­ed on its web­site, Pfiz­er says that “out of an abun­dance of cau­tion,” the com­pa­ny is plac­ing 12 pre­sen­ta­tions of prod­ucts, in­clud­ing drugs al­ready in short­age like dopamine and dobu­t­a­mine, on emer­gency re­lease on­ly to be di­rect­ly shipped by Pfiz­er.

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