Pfizer to cut 500 jobs at Sandwich, UK site

An­oth­er 500 jobs are on the chop­ping block as a re­sult of Pfiz­er’s cost-cut­ting mea­sures, this time at the com­pa­ny’s site in Sand­wich, UK, where some of its best-known drugs came from.

The cuts are hit­ting what the com­pa­ny calls its Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal Sci­ences Small Mol­e­cule op­er­a­tions there, though some func­tions will con­tin­ue at the site “with a dif­fer­ent size,” ac­cord­ing to Pfiz­er. The Sand­wich site is a core part of the com­pa­ny’s his­to­ry, and Pfiz­er says it’s where the an­ti­fun­gals Vfend and Di­flu­can, the erec­tile dis­func­tion drug Vi­a­gra, and the HIV treat­ment Selzen­try were dis­cov­ered.

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