Pfizer’s alopecia tablet approved by FDA in adults and teens, winning broader market than Lilly’s Olumiant

The FDA has giv­en a thumbs-up to the first treat­ment op­tion for ado­les­cents with alope­cia area­ta, an au­toim­mune dis­ease that leads to hair loss.

The agency last Fri­day ap­proved Pfiz­er’s Lit­fu­lo for peo­ple 12 years and old­er, and reg­u­la­to­ry de­ci­sions are ex­pect­ed in the EU, UK, Cana­da and Japan lat­er this year, a spokesper­son said. The drug, known in­ves­ti­ga­tion­al­ly as ritlecitinib, is al­so in Phase III test­ing for vi­tili­go and in mid-stage stud­ies for ul­cer­a­tive col­i­tis and Crohn’s dis­ease.

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