Pfizer’s maternal RSV vaccine approved to help protect newborns

Pfiz­er’s RSV vac­cine is now ap­proved to help pro­tect new­borns when ad­min­is­tered to women be­tween 32 and 36 weeks of preg­nan­cy.

The FDA ap­proval adds to a grow­ing ar­ma­men­tar­i­um against res­pi­ra­to­ry syn­cy­tial virus, a res­pi­ra­to­ry dis­ease that puts around 58,000 chil­dren younger than 5 years old in the hos­pi­tal each year in the US. Sanofi and As­traZeneca’s an­ti­body Bey­for­tus was ap­proved in Ju­ly, mark­ing the first new treat­ment op­tion for in­fants in decades.

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