Pharma ad spending jumps 12% in first half of 2023, ad tracker says

Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal ad­ver­tis­ers are spend­ing strong in 2023 so far, notch­ing a 12% in­crease over last year’s first half.

While they’re pour­ing bil­lions of dol­lars in­to dig­i­tal ad­ver­tis­ing, the phar­ma in­dus­try re­mains a strong­hold of tra­di­tion­al TV, al­so known as lin­ear TV. For the first six months, phar­ma spend­ing on the ads peo­ple watch dur­ing broad­cast TV pro­grams in re­al-time grew 5%, ac­cord­ing to Stan­dard Me­dia In­dex (SMI) track­ing.

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