Pharma ads get caught by stricter Meta enforcement in election year

Meta is look­ing to dif­fer­en­ti­ate it­self as a “safe” so­cial me­dia plat­form, but in­sid­ers say more ads made by phar­ma com­pa­nies in­clud­ing Sanofi and Gilead have been en­snared by the so­cial me­dia gi­ant’s en­force­ment poli­cies.

Sev­er­al cor­po­rate phar­ma ads about so­cial is­sues have re­cent­ly been tak­en down for vi­o­lat­ing Meta’s so­cial, elec­tion or po­lit­i­cal ad poli­cies, a Meta spokesper­son con­firmed. Those in­clud­ed a Gilead ad about ed­u­ca­tion eq­ui­ty in lo­cal com­mu­ni­ties, one from Sanofi with an AI avatar and sev­er­al from Vi­iV Health­care fea­tur­ing R&D chief Kim­ber­ly Smith dis­cussing top­ics like HIV sta­tus and health in­equities.

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