Pharma big winners at Cannes ad festival include Horizon, AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly and ASCO: #CannesLions2023

Phar­ma mar­ket­ing cam­paigns for Hori­zon, As­traZeneca and Eli Lil­ly were among the 13 top cre­ativ­i­ty awards hand­ed out at the Cannes Li­ons show on Mon­day night in the south of France.

The top prize, the Grand Prix, went to Brazil­ian-based Eu­ro­far­ma and its ad agency Dentsu for a Parkin­son’s dis­ease cam­paign called “Scrolling Ther­a­py” that used a mo­bile app and fa­cial recog­ni­tion tech­nol­o­gy to ex­er­cise mus­cles in pa­tients’ faces while they scrolled so­cial me­dia.

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