Pharma companies quiet about ad plans on X amid departure of major consumer brands

Phar­ma com­pa­nies are large­ly stay­ing qui­et about whether they plan to stop ad­ver­tis­ing or change their me­dia strate­gies on X af­ter sev­er­al ma­jor con­sumer brands, in­clud­ing Ap­ple and Dis­ney, paused ad­ver­tis­ing over con­cerns about an­ti­se­mit­ic and white su­prema­cist con­tent.

The lat­est big-name brand de­par­tures on the so­cial me­dia plat­form once known as Twit­ter were spurred by own­er Elon Musk’s en­dorse­ment of an an­ti­se­mit­ic post last week and a new study con­duct­ed by Me­dia Mat­ters that showed brand ads had been placed along­side “pro-Nazi con­tent.”

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