Pharma companies still slow to adopt hybrid sales rep and digital commercial models – survey

Af­ter the pan­dem­ic spurred a rush to dig­i­tal com­mer­cial­iza­tion strate­gies, phar­ma com­pa­nies re­al­ized they need­ed to evolve their tra­di­tion­al sales rep-led mod­els. How­ev­er, they’re still un­sure about how best to do that, ac­cord­ing to a new sur­vey of phar­ma lead­ers.

One key un­cer­tain­ty is around ex­act­ly what a hy­brid com­mer­cial mod­el is. One-fourth of re­spon­dents said a hy­brid com­mer­cial mod­el is sales reps us­ing their own dig­i­tal strate­gies, while an­oth­er 23% said it’s sales reps us­ing cor­po­rate-dri­ven dig­i­tal chan­nels, ac­cord­ing to In­de­gene’s sur­vey of 100 mar­ket­ing, sales and com­mer­cial lead­ers.

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