Pharma considers alternatives to large sales forces

When Court­ney Ness worked as a sales rep for For­est Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals in the ear­ly 2000s, she sold the an­ti­de­pres­sant Lexapro as part of a 3,000-per­son sales force.

Her top pri­or­i­ty was Lexapro, and she and her team­mate called on the same set of doc­tors.

Dur­ing a typ­i­cal month, Ness would talk to a doc­tor about Lexapro one week, and her team­mate would do the same two weeks lat­er. A set of “sec­ondary” sales reps cov­ered the re­main­ing weeks. If all four reps got in, every ac­ces­si­ble doc­tor on the list heard a Lexapro mes­sage once a week.

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