Pharma, health and wellness judges named for 2024 Cannes Lions creative awards

The Cannes Li­ons In­ter­na­tion­al Fes­ti­val of Cre­ativ­i­ty named a glob­al cast of phar­ma and health­care in­dus­try lead­ers on Wednes­day to judge its pres­ti­gious ad in­dus­try cre­ative awards. The 20 judges, most­ly from ad­ver­tis­ing agen­cies, will meet in Cannes, France, this June to de­ter­mine the win­ners and hand out awards to the best ad­ver­tis­ing work in phar­ma and health.

Col­lette Douai­hy, the glob­al chief cre­ative of­fi­cer at Dentsu Health and a Cannes judg­ing vet­er­an, will serve as ju­ry pres­i­dent for phar­ma. On her 2024 phar­ma team are sev­er­al US-based cre­ative agency lead­ers, in­clud­ing Stephanie Berman from The Bloc and Su­san Perl­bachs from Ever­sana In­touch.

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