Pharming ends deal with Orchard; Seres considers cost-cutting

Plus, news about Think Bio­science and Apel­lis:

Pharm­ing ax­es Or­chard pact: The Dutch bio­phar­ma ter­mi­nat­ed a re­search col­lab­o­ra­tion and li­cens­ing agree­ment with Or­chard Ther­a­peu­tics due to “cur­rent strat­e­gy as well as pri­or­i­ti­za­tion.” Back in 2021, Pharm­ing paid $17.5 mil­lion up­front and promised up to $189.5 mil­lion in biobucks for OTL-105, a gene ther­a­py for the rare dis­or­der hered­i­tary an­gioede­ma. Or­chard is now owned by Ky­owa Kirin. — Kyle LaHu­cik

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