Physicians see ‘new era for weight loss medications’ with the arrival of Novo, Lilly GLP-1 meds, survey says

Physi­cians are call­ing out two new obe­si­ty treat­ments — tirzepatide and semaglu­tide — as “par­a­digm shift­ing,” ac­cord­ing to a new sur­vey from In­Crowd.

More than three-fourths of the en­docri­nol­o­gists and pri­ma­ry care physi­cians sur­veyed viewed tirzepatide first (77%) and semaglu­tide sec­ond (76%) as game-chang­ers for the in­dus­try, with the next clos­est drug li­raglu­tide at just 24%. In­Crowd sur­veyed 100 doc­tors who had all treat­ed at least 20 pa­tients for weight loss in the past month. The sur­vey al­so al­lowed for com­ments in­clud­ing one who said the treat­ments her­ald “a new era for weight loss med­ica­tions.”

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