Pliant shares spike on exploratory study results of lead drug in chronic liver disease

Pli­ant Ther­a­peu­tics shared ear­ly-stage bio­mark­er and imag­ing re­sults, sug­gest­ing that pa­tients with a chron­ic liv­er dis­ease who re­ceived its drug had im­proved liv­er func­tion com­pared to those who re­ceived a place­bo.

In the Phase IIa study re­sults an­nounced Tues­day, Pli­ant split 85 pa­tients with pri­ma­ry scle­ros­ing cholan­gi­tis (PSC) in­to four groups: 40 mg, 80 mg, and 160 mg of bex­ote­grast, as well as place­bo. In an ex­plorato­ry analy­sis, Pli­ant said that pa­tients who re­ceived the three dos­es of bex­ote­grast saw re­duced lev­els at 12 weeks of PRO-C3 and al­ka­line phos­phatase — bio­mark­ers of liv­er scar­ring.

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