Pliant touts additional Phase 2a data for oral IPF drug that’s already in a pivotal study

Pli­ant Ther­a­peu­tics un­veiled more ef­fi­ca­cy da­ta from a small mid-stage tri­al of its lead can­di­date in id­io­path­ic pul­monary fi­bro­sis, which shows that its oral drug could po­ten­tial­ly re­verse fi­bro­sis.

The Phase 2a tri­al had a pri­ma­ry end­point of change in type 1 col­la­gen in the lung, as mea­sured by stan­dard­ized up­take val­ue (SUV) of a cer­tain ra­dio­trac­er that binds to this form of col­la­gen. In 10 eval­u­at­ed pa­tients, bex­ote­grast led to a mean 0.015 re­duc­tion from base­line in the top quar­tile SUV, ver­sus a mean 0.074 in­crease for place­bo, ac­cord­ing to a com­pa­ny re­lease.

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