Praxis prices $150M public stock offering ahead of four topline neuro readouts in 2024

Boston-based Prax­is Pre­ci­sion Med­i­cines an­nounced Thurs­day the pric­ing of a $150 mil­lion pub­lic stock of­fer­ing, with an ex­pect­ed close date around Jan. 16.

Prax­is is sell­ing 3.16 mil­lion shares of its com­mon stock at $35.50 per share as well as pre-fund­ed war­rants to pur­chase up to an ag­gre­gate of 1.05 mil­lion shares of com­mon stock at $35.49. The un­der­writ­ers have 30 days to pur­chase up to 633,750 more shares of com­mon stock at the pub­lic of­fer­ing price.

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