Precision BioSciences hands global rights to CAR-T candidate; Sagimet closes underwriter’s option to buy stock

Pre­ci­sion Bio­Sciences said Tues­day night that it has closed a deal with Imu­gene, hand­ing off glob­al rights of its al­lo­gene­ic CAR-T can­di­date known as az­er-cel.

The deal in­cludes $21 mil­lion up­front to Pre­ci­sion, plus a po­ten­tial $8 mil­lion pay­ment if Phase Ib dos­ing in a large B-cell lym­phoma pa­tient pop­u­la­tion is suc­cess­ful. Specif­i­cal­ly for az­er-cel, Pre­ci­sion can re­ceive up to $198 mil­lion in mile­stone pay­ments and roy­al­ties.

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