Primary care startup Forward raises $100M to grow nationally with self-service ‘CarePods’

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Some of the biggest in­vestors in tech and health have just made a $100 mil­lion bet that peo­ple want to be able to get pri­ma­ry care at the gym, the mall or pret­ty much any­where that’s not a doc­tor’s of­fice.

For­ward Health runs pri­ma­ry care clin­ics that don’t take in­sur­ance and charge a $150 month­ly fee. Its lat­est round of fund­ing — fol­low­ing a $225 mil­lion Se­ries D in 2021 — will let it de­vel­op and de­ploy what it’s call­ing “Care­Pods” that can be set up in pub­lic spaces like malls and gyms. The self-serve pods, CEO Adri­an Aoun said  in an emailed state­ment, will be staffed by For­ward rep­re­sen­ta­tives to guide peo­ple through demos and an­swer ques­tions. In­side the Care­Pod, peo­ple can get bio­met­ric scans, blood test­ing, and oth­er di­ag­nos­tic work.

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