ProQR finds eye disease partner in Europe, hands off two late-stage candidates

Pro­QR has inked a deal with French com­pa­ny Lab­o­ra­toires Théa and trans­fer­ring two late-stage can­di­dates to the com­pa­ny in a deal worth up to €147.5 mil­lion, or about $162 mil­lion.

The com­pa­nies made the joint an­nounce­ment Tues­day that Théa gets its hands on two sin­gle-strand oligonu­cleotide can­di­dates, se­po­farsen and ul­te­vursen — pay­ing €12.5 mil­lion, or rough­ly $13.7 mil­lion up front. Pro­QR not­ed the com­pa­ny is el­i­gi­ble for an­oth­er €135 mil­lion, ap­prox­i­mate­ly $148 mil­lion, from Théa in more de­vel­op­ment, reg­u­la­to­ry and com­mer­cial pay­ments, plus roy­al­ties.

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