Protagonist’s $50M milestone; Swiss biotech raises $27M; Kymera halts a PhI

Plus, news from CEPI and Pro­JenX:

Pro­tag­o­nist Ther­a­peu­tics records a $50M mile­stone: The com­pa­ny said Wednes­day that it’s get­ting a $50 mil­lion mile­stone from its agree­ment with John­son & John­son. The mile­stone was trig­gered by the third pa­tient be­ing dosed in a Phase III tri­al eval­u­at­ing a pso­ri­a­sis treat­ment. Pro­tag­o­nist said it ex­pects to launch ad­di­tion­al Phase III stud­ies for the oral pep­tide next year.

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