Q&A: FTC’s top healthcare enforcer on pharma M&A, company growth and PBMs

The Fed­er­al Trade Com­mis­sion has loomed large over M&A in the bio­phar­ma in­dus­try in the last two years. The an­titrust reg­u­la­tor at­tempt­ed to block Am­gen’s $27.8 bil­lion takeover of Hori­zon, stopped Sanofi’s li­cens­ing deal for Maze and won its ef­fort to force Il­lu­mi­na to di­vest Grail.

At Thurs­day’s Fi­nan­cial TimesEnd­points News US Phar­ma and Biotech Sum­mit, End­points Ex­ec­u­tive Ed­i­tor Drew Arm­strong spoke with FTC Deputy Di­rec­tor of the Bu­reau of Com­pe­ti­tion Rahul Rao about the reg­u­la­tor’s an­titrust ap­proach in bio­phar­ma, how it views the PBM in­dus­try, and more.

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