Q&A: Gilead public affairs chief on new strategy, TikTok, and why the company won’t ‘keep doing things the same way’ 

Af­ter years of qui­et fo­cus on HIV and vi­rol­o­gy and sto­ic re­spons­es to flare-ups of at­ten­tion over its pric­ing de­ci­sions, the new Gilead Sci­ences is ready to talk.

It’s got a re­vamped pub­lic af­fairs strat­e­gy that fa­vors proac­tiv­i­ty and aims to own the com­pa­ny’s nar­ra­tive as it moves in­to on­col­o­gy and im­munol­o­gy.

Lead­ing the charge is Alex Kalom­par­is, se­nior VP of pub­lic af­fairs at Gilead. Now two years in­to the role, and sev­en to­tal years at Gilead, he wants to bet­ter tell the sto­ry of the bio­phar­ma’s ground­break­ing health eq­ui­ty work and then trans­late those lessons in­to how it com­mu­ni­cates in new ther­a­py ar­eas.

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