Q&A: Lilly science chief Dan Skovronsky talks dealmaking, AI and consistent investing

Eli Lil­ly is on a hot streak. It’s about to find out whether its di­a­betes drug can al­so be mar­ket­ed for weight man­age­ment. Its Alzheimer’s dis­ease ther­a­py is al­so ex­pect­ed to get a de­ci­sion from the FDA by the end of the year. And it’s been steadi­ly ink­ing deals — five ac­qui­si­tions in as many months (with hints of a few that are still un­der wraps).

End­points News spoke with Lil­ly’s mul­ti-hy­phen­at­ed ex­ec­u­tive Dan Skovron­sky about Lil­ly’s M&A plans, play­ing the long game in drug de­vel­op­ment and why it doesn’t need mega deals.

Endpoints News

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