Q&A with TransCelerate’s new CEO Janice Chang: Bringing the trial infrastructure to patients

Tran­sCel­er­ate Bio­phar­ma is unique in the non­prof­it space be­cause it brings to­geth­er more than 20 top phar­ma com­peti­tors and al­lows them to col­lab­o­rate, rather than com­pete, on com­mon R&D pain points.

Help­ing to build this col­lab­o­ra­tive en­vi­ron­ment is Tran­sCel­er­ate’s new CEO Jan­ice Chang, who moved in­to her new role in Jan­u­ary af­ter serv­ing as COO for more than a decade.

Chang sat down with End­points News for an in-per­son in­ter­view at the DIA con­fer­ence in Boston on Wednes­day. Be­low is a light­ly edit­ed ver­sion of that con­ver­sa­tion.

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