ReCode raises another $50M; Histogen halts clinical development; 60 Degrees withdraws Covid-19 IND

Re­Code Ther­a­peu­tics is back with an ad­di­tion­al $50 mil­lion more than a year af­ter it raised a $120 mil­lion Se­ries B.

The Men­lo Park, CA-based biotech is de­vel­op­ing new mR­NA treat­ments, and the key, it be­lieves, is the de­liv­ery sys­tem. Re­Code’s plat­form en­gi­neers lipid nanopar­ti­cles — the fat­ty acid cap­sules used in Mod­er­na and BioN­Tech/Pfiz­er’s Covid-19 vac­cines.

Re­Code’s lat­est raise in­clud­ed two new in­vestors: Bi­o­lu­mi­nes­cence Ven­tures and So­las­ta Ven­tures, the com­pa­ny said Tues­day morn­ing. Kou­ki Ha­rasa­ki, Bi­o­lu­mi­nes­cence’s found­ing part­ner and for­mer­ly of Mi­crosoft Ven­tures and a16z, joined Re­Code’s board.

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