Regeneron expects key Dupixent COPD data this year amid Eylea’s sales decline in the US

One of the drug in­dus­try’s best-sell­ing ther­a­pies could be clos­er than ex­pect­ed to be­com­ing the first bi­o­log­ic to treat COPD, or chron­ic ob­struc­tive pul­monary dis­ease.

In an­nounc­ing third-quar­ter re­sults on Thurs­day, Re­gen­eron said an in­ter­im analy­sis of a Phase III COPD study could sup­port fil­ing Dupix­ent for ap­proval with the FDA. The New York biotech said the da­ta mon­i­tor­ing com­mit­tee plans to take a look at the in­ter­im da­ta lat­er this year and re­cent feed­back from the FDA sup­port­ed this plan.

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