Regeneron pays $100M milestone to Alnylam; NIH awards Clene $45M; Biohaven raises $258M

Re­gen­eron pays out $100M proof-of-prin­ci­ple mile­stone: Re­gen­eron said Thurs­day it will take a $100 mil­lion charge in the third quar­ter af­ter pay­ing out a de­vel­op­ment mile­stone to Al­ny­lam for their ALN-APP pro­gram in ear­ly-on­set Alzheimer’s dis­ease. Back in April, the com­pa­nies shared pre­lim­i­nary da­ta from a Phase I study that showed the ther­a­py re­duced lev­els of pro­teins tied to Alzheimer’s. They first struck a deal in 2019. — Jaimy Lee

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