Regeneron’s $500M fund spotlights corporate venture’s influential role in biotech

When Re­gen­eron an­nounced a $500 mil­lion cor­po­rate ven­ture cap­i­tal fund last week, it was the first time in years that a sto­ried large phar­ma had done so.

The com­pa­ny said it’s in­vest­ing $100 mil­lion a year for five years.

“Our goal is to cul­ti­vate an ecosys­tem where the next gen­er­a­tion of biotech com­pa­nies can thrive, draw­ing on the lessons learned and suc­cess­es achieved at Re­gen­eron and through­out our ca­reers,” Michael Aber­man, one of the fund’s lead­ers, said in the press re­lease at the time.

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