What You Should Know:
–Reimagine Care, the nation’s leading on-demand cancer care provider, today announced an expansion of its innovative symptom-management program to now support surgical oncology patients, transforming the experience of post-operative cancer care.
– Global demand for cancer surgery is predicted to increase by 52% by 2040, translating to an additional 5 million procedures. However, with surgical oncology techniques advancing, more complex surgeries can mean greater risks of complications and readmissions after discharge.
Reimagine Care: Revolutionizing Home-Based Oncology Recovery
Reimagine Care collaborates with health systems to transform cancer care delivery, extending support beyond clinical settings and enabling seamless recovery at home. The program emphasizes personalized, continuous care that enhances patient experiences and outcomes, empowering individuals to recover confidently while maintaining access to expert guidance.
Key features of Reimagine Care’s comprehensive cancer treatment services include:
– On-Demand Expert Support: Patients can access Reimagine Care’s Virtual Care Center 24/7, where experienced oncology advanced practice providers (APPs), registered nurses (RNs), and medical assistants (MAs) address post-operative concerns in real time.
– Proactive Monitoring: An AI-powered virtual assistant conducts regular check-ins, identifying potential issues early and preventing complications that might require acute care.
– Tailored Patient Education: Procedure-specific content offers clear guidance on topics such as wound care, drain management, and post-operative nutrition, empowering patients to actively participate in their recovery.
Acknowledging the multifactorial causes of hospital readmissions after oncology surgeries—such as gastrointestinal issues, surgical site infections, and other complications—Reimagine Care’s platform integrates advanced technology and evidence-based pathways to address these challenges. Personalized support and proactive monitoring are designed to anticipate care needs across all treatment modalities.
By integrating an AI-enabled virtual assistant, digital check-ins, education tools, and patient-reported outcome (ePRO) surveys, the platform ensures that expert oncology care is always within reach. This innovative approach supports patients during home-based recovery, enabling them to focus on healing while alleviating uncertainty.
Reimagine Care not only enhances the patient experience but also supports oncologists in delivering high-quality, continuous care beyond the clinic, transforming the cancer recovery journey.
“We’re reimagining what post-operative cancer care looks like by making sure patients don’t feel alone during recovery. Our program proactively reaches out to patients, catching potential problems early, to give families peace of mind, all while reducing the burden on healthcare providers,” said Dan Nardi, CEO of Reimagine Care. “By expanding our cancer treatment services to include surgical oncology patients, we can now support all patients regardless of the care they need – whether that’s medical oncology, radiation therapy, or surgery.”