Relief Therapeutics Holding SA / Key word(s): AGMEGM 27-Jun-2024 / 12:45 CET/CEST Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. .awlist1_1719466159_233481 { list-style:none; counter-set:awlistcounter1 }
.awlist1_1719466159_233481 li:before { content:’5.’ counter(awlistcounter1); counter-increment:awlistcounter1 } .awlist2_1719466159_233481 { list-style:none; counter-set:awlistcounter2 1 } .awlist2_1719466159_233481 li:before { content:’5.’ counter(awlistcounter2); counter-increment:awlistcounter2 } .awlist3_1719466159_233481 { list-style:none; counter-set:awlistcounter3 2 } .awlist3_1719466159_233481 li:before { content:’5.’ counter(awlistcounter3); counter-increment:awlistcounter3 } .awlist4_1719466159_233481 { list-style:none; counter-set:awlistcounter4 3 } .awlist4_1719466159_233481 li:before { content:’5.’ counter(awlistcounter4); counter-increment:awlistcounter4 } .awlist5_1719466159_233481 { list-style:none; counter-set:awlistcounter5 4 } .awlist5_1719466159_233481 li:before { content:’5.’ counter(awlistcounter5); counter-increment:awlistcounter5 } RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA Announces Results of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders GENEVA (June 27, 2024) – RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA (SIX: RLF, OTCQB: RLFTF, RLFTY) (Relief Therapeutics, or the Company), a biopharmaceutical company committed to delivering innovative treatment options for select specialty, unmet and rare diseases, announces the results of its annual general meeting (AGM) of shareholders, which took place in Geneva today. All but one of the proposed resolutions were approved by a large majority of the represented votes. AGM results
The AGM approved the 2023 annual report and financial statements.
The AGM approved carrying forward the loss for the financial year 2023.
The AGM did not grant discharge to the board of directors and the executive committee for the financial year 2023. While the extraordinary general meeting earlier this year granted such discharge for that period, the Company acknowledges this outcome and will continue to engage with shareholders to address their concerns.
The AGM approved the proposed maximum total amounts for compensation of the board of directors for the period from this AGM 2024 until the AGM 2025, and of the executive committee for the financial year 2025. The AGM also approved, on a consultive basis, the 2023 compensation report.
The AGM re-elected Dr. Raghuram Selvaraju, Mr. Peter de Svastich, Mr. Gregory Van Beek, and Mr. Thomas Elzinga to the board of directors. As previously announced, Ms. Michelle Lock did not stand for re-election, ending her service on the board of directors today.
The AGM approved the re-election of the chairman of the board of directors, Dr. Raghuram Selvaraju.
The AGM approved the election of Mr. Peter de Svastich and the re-election of Dr. Raghuram Selvaraju as members of the nomination and compensation committee.
The AGM approved the re-election of the independent proxy, Mr. Thomas Hua.
The AGM approved the re-election of the statutory auditor, MAZARS SA. The resolutions submitted for the shareholders’ vote are detailed in the AGM Invitation. The voting results will be made available on the Company’s website later today. ABOUT RELIEF THERAPEUTICS CONTACT: DISCLAIMER Additional features: File: Ad hoc End of Inside Information |
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