Relmada’s major depression drug shows PhIII promise in a fresh batch of patients

Rel­ma­da Ther­a­peu­tics’ once-dai­ly REL-1017 has shown pos­i­tive da­ta in ma­jor de­pres­sive dis­or­der (MDD) from a reg­is­tra­tional Phase III tri­al, a year af­ter an un­ex­pect­ed late-stage fail­ure.

The open-la­bel study en­rolled 204 pa­tients who had not pre­vi­ous­ly re­ceived REL-1017, an NM­DA re­cep­tor chan­nel block­er. The study’s to­tal en­roll­ment fig­ure to date is 627, which in­cludes pa­tients who had rolled over from pre­vi­ous place­bo-con­trolled tri­als of REL-1017, one of which had failed due to what the com­pa­ny de­scribed as a sur­pris­ing­ly strong place­bo ef­fect.

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