Republicans share draft bill to address drug shortages

Re­pub­li­can law­mak­ers re­leased a draft of a new bill that aims to stem drug short­ages af­ter Re­pub­li­cans in the House En­er­gy and Com­merce Com­mit­tee blocked ef­forts by their De­mo­c­ra­t­ic col­leagues to tack­le drug short­ages in the reau­tho­riza­tion of a key pan­dem­ic pre­pared­ness bill.

The draft bill, called the Stop Drug Short­ages Act, would at­tempt to cor­rect some of the mis­matched fi­nan­cial in­cen­tives that con­tribute to drug short­ages. It would al­so in­crease dis­clo­sure re­quire­ments for gener­ic drug spon­sors, give more au­thor­i­ty to the FDA and of­fer an ad­di­tion­al ex­clu­siv­i­ty in­cen­tive for com­pa­nies that car­ry out shelf-life ex­ten­sion stud­ies.

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