Researchers suggest new methods to finance pediatric cancer R&D — Nature paper

Re­searchers should re­think how they fi­nance clin­i­cal tri­als for chil­dren’s can­cers in or­der to boost in­vest­ment in pe­di­atric on­col­o­gy R&D, ac­cord­ing to a new pa­per in Na­ture Re­views Drug Dis­cov­ery.

A group of re­searchers in Eu­rope — four from Bel­gium’s Uni­ver­sité Li­bre de Brux­elles and EMA se­nior med­ical of­fi­cer Hans-Georg Eich­ler — made three sug­ges­tions: A pooled fund­ing struc­ture, spe­cial-pur­pose ve­hi­cles and ad­vanced re­im­burse­ment agree­ments.

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