Revance loses attempt to dismiss Botox trade secrets lawsuit

A Ten­nessee fed­er­al judge on Wednes­day de­clined to dis­miss a trade se­crets law­suit against Re­vance Ther­a­peu­tics, which launched a Botox ri­val in 2022 and is cur­rent­ly work­ing on a biosim­i­lar.

Ab­b­Vie’s Al­ler­gan unit filed suit against Re­vance last April, ac­cus­ing the com­pa­ny of poach­ing Al­ler­gan em­ploy­ees with ac­cess to trade se­crets for its Botox and Ju­vé­derm prod­ucts. Ab­b­Vie claimed it would be “very chal­leng­ing (if not im­pos­si­ble)” to pro­duce a Botox biosim­i­lar with­out ac­cess to “high­ly con­fi­den­tial” in­for­ma­tion, in­clud­ing the Botox ref­er­ence stan­dard and its strate­gies for de­ter­min­ing po­ten­cy.

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