Revance Therapeutics pushes Botox ‘breakup’ in latest campaign for rival cosmetic drug

Re­vance Ther­a­peu­tics has used Chat­G­PT in an ef­fort to con­vince users to “break up with Botox” for the treat­ment of frown lines in fa­vor of its ri­val drug Daxxi­fy.

The cam­paign launched last Tues­day with a 30-sec­ond “breakup song,” as well as two videos fea­tur­ing women prac­tic­ing their Botox breakup in the mir­ror. While Re­vance’s Daxxi­fy is nev­er men­tioned in the jin­gle or videos, a but­ton at the bot­tom of the cam­paign’s web­site cap­tioned, “Meet your new boo,” links to the drug’s web­site.

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