Ribon Therapeutics rids preclinical work, trims staff to focus on two clinical PARP inhibitors

Ri­bon Ther­a­peu­tics, a biotech look­ing to make next-gen­er­a­tion oral PARP in­hibitors, has end­ed pre­clin­i­cal and plat­form work to fo­cus on two clin­i­cal pro­grams.

“Cuts across the or­ga­ni­za­tion” were made to the ap­prox­i­mate­ly 60-em­ploy­ee biotech, chief busi­ness of­fi­cer Gary Sut­ton con­firmed to End­points News in an email. He de­clined to dis­close the num­ber of em­ploy­ees im­pact­ed by the lay­offs.

“We great­ly ap­pre­ci­ate the con­tri­bu­tions from our team and came to our de­ci­sion af­ter care­ful­ly con­sid­er­ing what was best for our clin­i­cal pro­grams and the pa­tients they could po­ten­tial­ly serve,” Sut­ton said.

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Bill Humphries joins MedPharm as CEO

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