Roche, Alnylam’s zilebesiran succeeds in another PhII hypertension test

Al­ny­lam Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals’ RNAi ther­a­py re­duced blood pres­sure in a Phase II hy­per­ten­sion test, mark­ing its sec­ond clin­i­cal suc­cess since Roche se­cured a deal for the drug.

The KAR­DIA-2 tri­al stud­ied zilebe­sir­an ver­sus place­bo when added to one of three stan­dard-of-care blood pres­sure med­ica­tions in 672 adults with mild-to-mod­er­ate hy­per­ten­sion.

The treat­ment met the pri­ma­ry end­point, sig­nif­i­cant­ly re­duc­ing 24-hour mean sys­tolic blood pres­sure at three months com­pared with place­bo in each of the three stan­dard-of-care set­tings, ac­cord­ing to Al­ny­lam’s re­lease. Zilebe­sir­an, which tar­gets an­giotensino­gen (AGT), al­so demon­strat­ed an “en­cour­ag­ing” safe­ty pro­file, the com­pa­ny said. AGT is the most up­stream pre­cur­sor in the RAAS cas­cade, which helps reg­u­late blood pres­sure.

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