Roche is ‘evaluating potential options’ for IPF drug Esbriet as generics gain traction

Roche is look­ing to of­fload its id­io­path­ic pul­monary fi­bro­sis drug Es­bri­et as more pa­tients with the fa­tal lung dis­ease opt for gener­ic ver­sions and Big Phar­mas con­tin­ue to shed non-core as­sets.

“As part of the nor­mal process to re­view our port­fo­lio of es­tab­lished prod­ucts, we are cur­rent­ly eval­u­at­ing po­ten­tial op­tions for Es­bri­et. This process will take sev­er­al months un­til a fi­nal de­ci­sion is tak­en,” a Roche spokesper­son con­firmed to End­points News via an emailed state­ment on Tues­day morn­ing.

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