Roche is trying again and again in Alzheimer’s. This time, early data are ‘worth watching’

Years of Alzheimer’s set­backs have not dis­suad­ed Roche from go­ing af­ter one of the most chal­leng­ing R&D fields, and new da­ta in­di­cate how its con­tin­ued ef­forts could ul­ti­mate­ly pay off.

At a med­ical con­fer­ence Sat­ur­day, Roche pre­sent­ed new Phase Ib/IIa da­ta for high-dose tron­tinemab, an amy­loid-tar­get­ing an­ti­body. The re­sults are very ear­ly: Roche had ef­fi­ca­cy da­ta from eight pa­tients at an in­ter­im 12-week fol­low-up.

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