Roche partner touts early allogeneic CAR-T data at #ASH23, but durability remains key question

SAN DIEGO — Po­sei­da Ther­a­peu­tics re­vealed the most com­plete da­ta so far for the al­lo­gene­ic CAR-T pro­gram that it li­censed to Roche last year. But it’s like­ly to face the ques­tion that’s dogged this field for years: Can its re­spons­es re­main durable?

On Sun­day the start­up pre­sent­ed ef­fi­ca­cy da­ta with at least four weeks of fol­low-up for its ther­a­py P-BC­MA-AL­LO1, da­ta that were “high­ly de­pen­dent” on a par­tic­u­lar part of pa­tients’ pre­con­di­tion­ing reg­i­mens, ac­cord­ing to a press re­lease. Pa­tients who took low­er lev­els of cy­clophos­phamide — an im­muno­sup­pres­sive and chemother­a­py drug — be­fore re­ceiv­ing P-BC­MA-AL­LO1 in­fu­sions did not re­spond to the CAR-T. Most of those who got high­er dos­es did re­spond.

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