Roche posts interim OS data from PhIII TIGIT trial after leak — and analysts say it bodes well for final readout

Roche has post­ed a snap­shot from a close­ly-watched Phase III tri­al of its TIG­IT an­ti­body af­ter an “in­ad­ver­tent dis­clo­sure.” Al­though the over­all sur­vival da­ta are still not ma­ture, an­a­lysts be­lieve the num­bers so far point to a pos­i­tive trend in non-small cell lung can­cer.

At the sec­ond in­ter­im analy­sis of Roche’s SKY­SCRAPER-01 tri­al, me­di­an OS es­ti­mate was 22.9 months for pa­tients who were giv­en the TIG­IT drug, tiragolum­ab, and the PD-L1 in­hibitor Tecen­triq, com­pared to 16.7 months for the Tecen­triq monother­a­py arm. That yields a haz­ard ra­tio of 0.81, Roche dis­closed Wednes­day morn­ing.

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