Roche’s Genentech touts label expansion for blockbuster lung cancer drug Alecensa

Roche’s Genen­tech said that Ale­cen­sa scored a la­bel ex­pan­sion from the FDA, with the drug now ap­proved as an ad­ju­vant treat­ment fol­low­ing tu­mor re­sec­tion in pa­tients with ALK-pos­i­tive non-small cell lung can­cer.

The ap­proval is based on da­ta from the Phase 3 ALI­NA study that showed Ale­cen­sa re­duced the risk of dis­ease re­cur­rence or death by 76% com­pared to those in the con­trol arm who re­ceived chemother­a­py fol­low­ing surgery.

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