Rocket’s gene therapy gets a PDUFA date; SAB Biotherapeutics’ $130M; Acurix to move to PhIII

Plus, more news from Am­i­cus Ther­a­peu­tics, Mo­gri­fy, and Clade Ther­a­peu­tics.

Rock­et gets a March date with FDA: The FDA has un­til March 31 to de­cide whether to ap­prove Rock­et Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals’ gene ther­a­py for se­vere leuko­cyte ad­he­sion de­fi­cien­cy-I (LAD-I), which is a rare white blood cell dis­or­der that can re­sult in se­vere in­fec­tions. Life ex­pectan­cy is short, and some ba­bies do not sur­vive past in­fan­cy.

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