Roivant CEO hints at more deals shaping up as key Immunovant data loom

Roivant Sci­ences has more po­ten­tial as­set deals in the works — af­ter set­ting up two Vants around Pfiz­er as­sets in the past two years — and hopes to be talk­ing about them in 2024, CEO Matt Gline told an­a­lysts on a quar­ter­ly earn­ings call on Mon­day morn­ing.

Be­fore that, key da­ta from its fam­i­ly of Vants, in­clud­ing clin­i­cal tri­al read­outs from two an­ti-FcRn as­sets at the pub­licly-trad­ed Im­muno­vant, are on tap. The da­ta could dic­tate the di­rec­tion Roivant takes.

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