Royalty Pharma execs shed light on strategy behind their first gene therapy deal

A deal with Fer­ring Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals last month rep­re­sent­ed Roy­al­ty Phar­ma’s first for­ay in­to gene ther­a­py roy­al­ties, and it’s al­ready rais­ing ques­tions about whether it rep­re­sents a shift in the com­pa­ny’s phi­los­o­phy.

CEO Pablo Legor­re­ta and oth­er Roy­al­ty ex­ecs ad­dressed the top­ic for the first time Tues­day at Mor­gan Stan­ley’s health­care con­fer­ence in New York. While they’re ex­cit­ed about the Fer­ring deal, they sug­gest­ed that much of the strat­e­gy that’s guid­ed Roy­al­ty for its near­ly three-decade ex­is­tence will re­main the same.

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