The RSV vaccine marketing wars are heating up. GSK began its awareness efforts around respiratory syncytial virus vaccines for older adults in the spring, but this week it added a branded product campaign. And now Pfizer’s also in the mix with its own RSV awareness campaign, which began earlier this month.
GSK’s branded Arexvy TV commercial, now out, touts “the first FDA approved RSV vaccine” along with an array of clinical facts about its use and effectiveness. Meanwhile, Pfizer’s first awareness effort debuted at the beginning of the month with a 30-second TV commercial. The ad features a cast of active older people with “warning labels.” The labels show up on a bocce ball, the top of a woman’s hat, on a menu and even on a towel at the gym as a voiceover warns that RSV is highly contagious and can be dangerous for people 60 and older.
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