RSV marketing battle shaping up with GSK and Pfizer campaigns running on TV, digital channels ahead of the viral season

The RSV vac­cine mar­ket­ing wars are heat­ing up. GSK be­gan its aware­ness ef­forts around res­pi­ra­to­ry syn­cy­tial virus vac­cines for old­er adults in the spring, but this week it added a brand­ed prod­uct cam­paign. And now Pfiz­er’s al­so in the mix with its own RSV aware­ness cam­paign, which be­gan ear­li­er this month.

GSK’s brand­ed Arexvy TV com­mer­cial, now out, touts “the first FDA ap­proved RSV vac­cine” along with an ar­ray of clin­i­cal facts about its use and ef­fec­tive­ness. Mean­while, Pfiz­er’s first aware­ness ef­fort de­buted at the be­gin­ning of the month with a 30-sec­ond TV com­mer­cial. The ad fea­tures a cast of ac­tive old­er peo­ple with “warn­ing la­bels.” The la­bels show up on a boc­ce ball, the top of a woman’s hat, on a menu and even on a tow­el at the gym as a voiceover warns that RSV is high­ly con­ta­gious and can be dan­ger­ous for peo­ple 60 and old­er.

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