Samsung Biologics touts Q2 performance after expanding deals with big pharmas

CD­MO Sam­sung Bi­o­log­ics said its rev­enue jumped 33% in the sec­ond quar­ter, dur­ing which it an­nounced deals with ma­jor drug­mak­ers like Pfiz­er and No­var­tis

The CD­MO said rev­enue is up KRW 866.2 bil­lion ($679.5 mil­lion), a 33% in­crease from the sec­ond quar­ter of last year, which was KRW 651.4 bil­lion ($510.9 mil­lion). Its op­er­at­ing prof­it soared 49% to KRW 253.4 bil­lion ($198.7 mil­lion) in the sec­ond quar­ter.

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