Sandoz and Samsung Bioepis ink commercialization agreement for Stelara biosimilar

An­oth­er biosim­i­lar hope­ful for John­son & John­son’s Ste­lara is tak­ing steps to move to mar­ket as patent pro­tec­tions are set to end this year, this time in the form of a com­mer­cial­iza­tion agree­ment be­tween San­doz and Sam­sung Bioepis that was an­nounced to­day.

San­doz and Sam­sung’s biosim­i­lar is one of at least six that are be­ing de­vel­oped — de­spite that, Ste­lara was in­clud­ed on the ini­tial list of drugs that will be sub­ject to price ne­go­ti­a­tions be­gin­ning in 2026 un­der the In­fla­tion Re­duc­tion Act.

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